世界を見る − 「米軍はアフガンでの軍事活動を止めるべき」

ってなことを書いているのは、なんと中国日報。名前は出ていないが、肩書きはdeputy secretary-general of the China Council for National Security Policy Studiesになっている。中国がこれほどハッキリ言ったことってあったけなあ?多分、なかったような。

「The United States should first put an end to the war. The anti-terror war, which the former US administration of George W Bush launched in 2001, has turned out to be the source of ceaseless turbulence and violence in the past years.」
China Daily:Afghan peace needs a map


Defense Secretary Robert Gates is leaning toward the view that a significant number of additional combat forces will be needed for the war in Afghanistan, sources told CNN Thursday.
CNN: Adding troops in Afghanistan gains support, sources say


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